421 King Street, Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 746-3084
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Who We Are
Alexandria City's Rental Accessibility Modification Program (RAMP) assists low- and moderate income tenants with physical disabilities who qualify in completing accessibility modifications to their residences.
This program provides technical assistance and grants of up to $50,000 for primary residence modifications that are necessary to accommodate the particular circumstances of the disabled member of the household. The program also provides "mini-grants" to assist households needing limited modifications of up to $1,500. The RAMP program is funded through the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, while the mini-grants program receives funding through the City's Housing Trust Fund. Landlords are encouraged to deem any modifications to be permanent improvements to the rehabilitated rental property. City residents may also be eligible for a VHDA Accessibility Rental Modification Grant.
Contact Person is Brandi Collins at brandi.collins@alexandriava.gov or 703-746-3084.