Who We Are
Lake Prince Woods Assisted Living cares for residents who need extra help with activities such as bathing, medications, meals, dressing, and other support services. Care is provided to residents who need more support in a private apartment with their furnishings. Lake Prince Woods Assisted Living offers a blend of support and medical assistance to help residents maintain their freedom. Licensed nurses are available 24 hours a day. Residents pay a monthly fee that includes all meals, housekeeping, personal assistance, limited transportation, social, spiritual, and recreational activities, and much more.
Lake Prince Woods is owned and operated by EveryAge, formerly United Church Homes and Services.
Who We Serve
Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Chesapeake City
Hampton City
Isle of Wight County
Newport News City
Norfolk City
Suffolk City
Virginia Beach City
Cost & Payment Methods
Payment Method(s)
Private Pay
Fee Structure
Fee Range
Other Eligibility Criteria
Those who are 62 years of age and older. Offers care for both ambulatory and non-ambulatory residents
Available 24/7
Intake Process
Visit the website and call the office for information.
Self Refer
Provider Refer
Intake Contact
Tammy Garrett, Marketing
Intake Contact Email
Intake Contact Telephone
(757) 923-5504
Qualification Type
Qualification Entity
Virginia Department of Social Services
Report Problems
Call the Agency