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DRPT Commuter Programs

Commuter Programs Overview

Traffic congestion, travel time delays, travel choices, travel options information, air quality, and an increasing population and workforce needing to use Virginia’s transportation system are matters addressed by DRPT’s Commuter Programs and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) programs and services. 

Building and widening roads is not enough to meet Virginia's transportation needs of today and the future.  Commuter/TDM programs must be part of the solution in order to improve mobility and help Virginia's economy grow.  The workforce of today and tomorrow want transportation choices and only the places that provide these choices are going to be competitive and successful in attracting businesses and a skilled workforce.

Commuter/TDM programs provide transportation choices, make Virginia’s transportation more efficient, and help improve air quality.  This is accomplished by moving more people in fewer vehicles, reducing vehicle miles traveled, reducing vehicle trips, and moving peak period trips to off-peak times.  The focus is moving more people, not necessarily more vehicles.  Examples of how this is achieved are programs and services that:

  • Promote transit, vanpools, carpools, telework, and biking
  • Provide free ride matching and trip planning
  • Increase the use of vanpools, carpools, transit, telework, and biking
  • Work with employers to establish worksite programs for telework, carpool and vanpool formation, transit and vanpool employee benefits, biking to work, and alternative work schedules
  • Help commuters realize the true cost of driving alone and the benefits of transit, vanpooling, carpooling, telework, and biking

DRPT provides grant funding to qualifying organizations to operate Commuter/TDM programs.  In Virginia there are 18 Commuter/TDM programs serving the public and employers.  These programs are operated by local governments, transit agencies, planning/regional commissions, and Transportation Management Associations (TMAs) that provide Commuter/TDM programs and services. See Commuter Assistance Program (CAP) grants for more information on the types of Commuter/TDM programs and services funded by DRPT. 

Also, see the Virginia Trip Planner for a Commuter program near you.


Explore Virginia's Many Transit Options. Your ride starts here. Discover how to travel around your community and across Virginia in ways that can save you money, lower your stress, and help the environment. 

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Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation
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